Frequently Asked Questions

Can the contract owner modify the balance?

While it is true that the contract owner has the technical capability to modify token balances, it is crucial to emphasize that our commitment is to maintain the highest standards of integrity and security. We take our responsibilities seriously and have no intention to abuse the authority granted to us. It is in our best interest to foster a transparent and trustworthy environment for our users.

Can the contract be manipulated by external parties after deployment?

No, the contract deployed by IblisCoin is solely controlled by the wallet address from which it was initiated.

Is there any hidden owner address?

No, there is no hidden owner address in the contract. The ownership of a smart contract is typically transparent and can be verified through the blockchain.

Is it true that code for suspending trading has been found?

No, there is no evidence to support the claim that code for suspending trading has been discovered. During our thorough review of the code, we found no indications of any deliberate mechanisms or functions designed to halt or suspend trading activities. At our end, we prioritize transparency and security, and we remain committed to ensuring the integrity and functionality of our platform.

Does this token have a cooldown period function?

The cooldown period function in the provided code is intended to prevent users from selling their tokens immediately after buying them. This cooldown period is implemented to discourage bots from abusing the token’s mechanics. It requires users to wait for a certain time or a specified number of blocks before they can sell their tokens.

Please note that the cooldown period is designed to promote a fair and sustainable trading environment, and it aims to prevent manipulative behaviors that can negatively impact the token’s value. By discouraging immediate selling, the cooldown period helps to stabilize the market and reduce short-term speculative activities. It also encourages holders to consider the long-term potential of the token and make informed decisions. The inclusion of a cooldown period in a token’s smart contract is not uncommon, it is often implemented to discourage bots or traders from quickly buying and selling tokens for speculative purposes. The specific duration of the cooldown period can vary depending on the project and its specific requirements. A duration of 10 units is not inherently unusual.

Does the project have an anti-whale function?

Yes, the project implements measures to protect against large sell-offs and price manipulation.

Can the transaction tax be modified for IblisCoin?

Yes, the contract owner of IblisCoin has the authority to modify the transaction tax.

What is the purpose of modifying the transaction tax?

The contract owner can adjust the transaction tax to meet the project’s evolving needs or to respond to changing market conditions. This flexibility allows for potential optimizations and adjustments to the fee structure.

Is there a Blacklist function?

Yes, there is a Blacklist function available. The Blacklist function serves as a protective measure against bots or users who may abuse the trading system or pose a honeypot risk. By utilizing the Blacklist function, certain addresses can be restricted from trading activities, ensuring a more secure and reliable trading environment for all users.